OM1 Lyra


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Generate predictive insights at the point of care for personalized treatments

OM1 Lyra, powered by PhenOM®, a digital phenotyping AI platform for personalized medicine and clinical research, provides insights to clinicians and patients for the most effective treatments by generating predictions around diagnosis, treatment, and risk to personalize medicine at the point of care.

OM1 Lyra puts the patient’s uniqueness at the forefront of their treatment by translating population-level patterns to the individual through disease and treatment-specific phenotypes.


OM1 Lyra synthesizes data from millions of patients to quickly deliver personalized insights.

Examples of this impact include:

  • Precision calibration of outcomes tailored to individuals, drawing insights from similar patient profiles
  • Amplified visibility into patient-level heterogeneity, breaking down decisions reliant on using population averages
  • Laser-focused identification of patient unmet needs, pinpointing actionable opportunities for intervention


Lyra works at the patient level to harmonize data for targeted insights



Sift signal from noise with explainable AI

AI expertise at OM1 runs deep. Our award-winning team has been putting clinical AI to work for over ten years. Book a meeting to learn how to put OM1 Lyra to use for you.