OM1 Orion


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Uncover hidden insights with a 360-degree view of the patient journey

OM1 Orion, powered by PhenOM™, a digital phenotyping AI platform for personalized medicine and clinical research, offers pharma decision-makers a perspective on the patient journey not available using traditional analytic tools alone.

Leveraging high-volume deep clinical data, OM1 Orion delivers a multi-layered 360-degree view of disease progression and burden for patient sub-populations. It enables the discovery and diagnosis of unmet needs, visibility into real-world clinical and financial drivers and barriers to care, and identification of complex patterns in disease progression, treatment response, and comorbid disease evolution. 

OM1 Orion unlocks actionable intelligence by providing an accurate and comprehensive picture of the patient journey while significantly reducing research timelines and associated costs.

Examples of this impact include:

  • Deeper insight into drivers of risk and treatment decision-making and outcomes
  • Holistic view of real-world patient populations, including those ‘off the radar’
  • Seamless integration of transparent AI-derived insights with traditional data for robust and cohesive analyses

Orion AI insights can augment traditional datasets

OM1 Orion Augmentation

OM1 Orion Augmentation to Patient Journey

Sift signal from noise with explainable AI

AI expertise at OM1 runs deep. Our award-winning team has been putting clinical AI to work for over ten years. Book a meeting to learn how to put OM1 Orion to use for you.