Showing 26-30 of 93 predictive & prescriptive analytics:
Real-World Analysis & Insights from the OM1 Neuroscience Specialty Network

OM1 is reimagining real-world evidence with the development of large, electronically connected networks of clinicians in key specialty areas. This ebook explores powerful insights, analyses, and use cases that leverage AI and data science from OM1’s Neuroscience Specialty Network. View ebook >>

How AI Can Help Dermatology: Diagnosis, Treatment, Risk, and R&D November 15, 2023 Listen to the full podcast >> The hype around AI is finally translating into real-world value, and we are seeing broader adoption of real-world data in Dermatology. This episode of tHEORetically Speaking features Dr. Stefan Weiss, Managing Director of Dermatology and Dr. Joseph Zabinski, Managing Director of AI and Personalized Medicine[…]

Stefan Weiss, MD, Discusses OM1’s New HS Dataset and Expanded Dermatology Network

Dermatology Times October 3, 2023 Read the full article >> OM1, a real-world data and AI technology company, recently announced the continued expansion of its Dermatology Network to now include hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), adding approximately 26,000 new patient records to its database. The addition of the HS database will help find innovative solutions and improve health outcomes[…]

OM1 Launches HS Dataset to Expand Use of Real-World Evidence in Dermatology

Practical Dermatology September 22, 2023 Read the full article >> OM1 is expanding its Dermatology Network to include almost 26,000 hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) patient records. “HS patients benefit when all available information on their journey can be surfaced and used to improve care and decision-making,” Joseph Zabinski tells DermWire. He is the Managing Director of AI and  Personalized Medicine at OM1. “Much of this[…]

The 2023 PharmaVoice 100 Awards Dr. Carl Marci

PharmaVoice Sept. 19. 2023 Read the full article >> The mental health crisis in the U.S. has reached a fever pitch with an estimated one in five adults experiencing some form of mental illness, according to the NIH. For Dr. Carl Marci, the dire need for new mental health solutions has propelled him throughout his 30-year[…]

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